Frozen Deliciousness

Ok, if we're going to talk about local restaurants we have to mention Vanilla Jill's. This is a frozen yogurt place here in Eugene, Oregon with some of the best treats in town. They have locally sourced, organic, handmade yogurt, delicious and unique toppings, and lavender whipped cream. I will say that again, LAVENDER WHIPPED CREAM. If those words don't make your mouth water then I feel sorry for you.

Today's special was banana soft serve. Very tempting! They also at had sugar free chai hard scoop yogurt. Any of these can be dipped by a wide selection of sauces, from the more typical blackberry or chocolate to the unique rose.

I ended up with the beautiful work of art shown in the picture, dark chocolate frozen yogurt with crystallized ginger and whipped cream. I was going to opt for maple whipped cream, but unfortunately that was not available today. They are serious when they say dark chocolate! It has an almost bitter taste, just they way dark chocolate should be.

Maybe next time I will try the hot sticky brown rice you can have your yogurt served on top of, or fruit topping and granola. Yum and yum!

This us a must-have for anyone in the area. By area, of course, I mean west coast.

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